Monday, August 30, 2010


How often do we dream?

Why don’t we remember our dreams?

Do our dreams have an underlying meaning?

What is the most common subject matter of dreams?

Are our dreams affected by our mood?

Do our dreams express our fears?

Does our stress level affect our dreams?

Why do we have recurring dreams?

We all dream every night, and we have about four to seven dreams each night.  Our dreams are more likely to be remembered if we wake up from them during REM sleep, which is the sleep stage where most dreaming occurs.  Researchers are unsure about whether or not our dreams actually have any underlying meaning.  Some believe our dreams convey a message, while others believe dreams only result from random impulses in the brain.  One common dream is the one where we have the sensation of falling.  It is also common to have reccurring dreams, which is said to mean that we aren't understanding what our dreams are trying to tell us, so they must repeat themselves.


  1. Some may say dreams are accumulation of subconsious thoughts we have and that different content within dreams can be representative of those thoughts.

    I've even heard of people who have premonitions of events or situations in their dreams. I'd be interested to know if it's more than just a coincidence?

    Can certain factors effect the production or content matter of dreams? I've heard some people say that they dream more when they are very tired or are stressed. I've also heard that the stop smoking medication "Chantix" gives people really crazy dreams.

  2. How do dreams come true? ( Do we have to do something or is just luck?)

  3. Do the dreams in our head come to reality? ( when we are sleeping)
